Tuesday, October 7, 2008

About Me

My name is Dr. Cheryl Cottle, and I am the designer of this blog; Cottle's Professional Consulting. Through this forum, I will be blogging about issues that bridge my consulting business website and Facebook where I created a group "Women in Business". I will be highlighting what we do at CPC as well as bring issues that impact women in business.
I hope that you will find our services at Cottle's Professional Consulting (CPC) of interest to you.

Dr. Cheryl Cottle
Chief Consultant of Cottle's Professional Consulting

CPC: Organization Development

Cottle's Professional Consulting services in organization development, is a comprehensive service designed to assist organizations; including government agencies, community-based organizations, and corporations to meet their objectives. We offer services that will help you to effectively manage your organization's portfolio.

If you are thinking of introducing computer technology into your organization, our expertise in the adoption, diffusion, and infusion of computer technology can be of great assistance to you. We also offer our services to organizations that are restructuring their computer technology system to better facilitate their operations.

Cottle's Professional Consulting also offers organizations comprehensive training in a number of areas, including; leadership skills development, strategic planning, decision making, managing diversity in the workplace, culture of the organization, train-the-trainer, and project design, to list a few. Training can be customized to meet the needs of your organization. Our training programs in computer technology will also enhance your staffs' skills and proficiency in various software and other office management tools.

The strategies that we utilize are supported by our many years of experience and the research conducted by Dr. Cottle in the field of Information Technology and Computer Technology Adoption. Dr. Cottle's research and expertise includes working with organizations within various business sectors and industries; and encompasses organizations in North America and the Caribbean.
To learn more about how we can be of assistance to you and your organization please write to us at info@drcottle.com or visit us at: http://www.drcottle.com/
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